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Hanseshwari temple- A distinctive architecture.

"Hangseswari temple or Hanseshwari temple" is a Hindu goddess temple situated in Bansberia, Bandel. In the state of West Bengal, India.This temple is still unknown to many. But it is quite famous in Bandel area. After finishing our final semester exams we thought of visiting this place. And we got mesmerized by seeing it's beauty.

This temple is under Government of Indian archeological department. It's structure is completely different from other temples. It has 13 minars which are structured as blooming lotus buds and this is a five storied temple which represent the five parts of human body. This temple is basically the temple of Goddess Kali. The architecture of this temple makes it stand out from other temples. This temple was started by Raja Nrisingha Deb Mahashay and later completed by his widow wife Rani Sankari in 1814.


"Kali Kali Mahakali Kalike Papa Harini Dharmata Mokshade Devi Narayani Namostute Narayani Namostute Narayani Namostute"

Not only the structural beauty of the temple but the structure of the maa kali is also very interesting. Here the goddess Kali is called is Maa Hangseshwari. Here structure of the goddess is standing in one leg and other leg is folded, kind of sitting position. The goddess is blue in color which makes it very eye catching.


The 2nd part of the temple which gave the glimpse of famous Bankura Bishunupur "terracotta temple". This part of hangseshwari Temple is the Ananta Basudeba temple. This temple is made of terracotta clay which is an old art form of West Bengal. The pillars, walls will give you chills of how beautiful they and how perfectly this is created at that time.


We ended our day sitting at the ghat of Ganga enjoying the view and the cool breeze had made our day. This also serves as a plus point while your visit to the Hangseshwari temple.


"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ~ Marcel Proust".

We hope you enjoy reading and this excites you to visit the place once in life time.


Photography- Medha & Aditi


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